Thursday, February 7, 2008

Potty mouths and other funny things

I think my kids are funny. I laugh. But its usually when they are trying their hardest NOT to be funny. Like tonight, when we came in the house and there was a box of papers in the entryway, and Connor says, "What is all this crap over here?" It is really hard to explain why he shouldn't say that word while you are trying not to laugh. The same thing happens when they get mad about something and decide they are going to tell you about it. It's hilarious. Which makes me wonder how many times as a child, I got mad about something and my parents sat there with heads turned, hands covering up a smile, while I sat there fuming and pouting.
Either every parent does this, or there goes my mother of the year award!
To pay tribute to the amusing musings of my children, I started a little feature on the right called From the mouths of babes. I'll put funny quotes and thought-provoking questions there as they come up. So keep coming back! I promise I will post more often!

Mommy, slayer of "bad guys"

One night, a few weeks ago, I was putting the boys to bed, and Riley said, "Mommy, I am just really really scared to go to bed." I responded by saying, " You don't need to be scared, because Mommy would never let anything bad happen to you." Now, every night we go through this ritual, where Riley says he is scared and I say I will make sure nothing bad will happen to him. And now, since the boys are absolutely OBSESSED with Star Wars (I will save that subject for another post) it has morphed into, not only will Mommy make sure you are safe, if any bad guys come in the house, Mommy will take Riley's (or Connor's) light saber and get the bad guys with it. I imagine that in Riley's mind I am a butt-kicking Obi-Wan Kenobi, striking down any creepy Darth Maul characters who might try to come in the house. I just hope he always thinks I'm that cool.