Thursday, December 24, 2009

Namaste and Merry Christmas

The shopping is all done, Aaron is cooking, (what an awesome husband) and I am looking forward to a nice evening with all the family. The past few days I was having a little trouble feeling the Christmas spirit, but I am much better now! As if the holidays weren't already crazy enough with Meagan taking drivers training, Aaron and I working and the boys being home from school, I am in the process of opening a yoga studio, called Flow in Plainwell with my friend Betsy, and was driving myself nuts designing my first-ever website. It is up now, and while it's still a work in progress, at least that's out of the way, so I can get on to the fun stuff, Like decorating the studio and figuring out what to teach in my Intro to yoga class!

Check it out: Flow, Yoga by the river

Monday, December 14, 2009

Riley the videographer

Riley shot this video of our new cat Stella.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

South Haven Storm

I went to South Haven today because there were reports of 20 foot waves. I don't think they were quite that big, but the wind was really blowing. Too gray for really good photographs, but I did make this little video of the lighthouse.
It was hard to keep the camera still, as the wind was practically blowing me over! I am still picking sand out of my hair.

South Haven Storm

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Tonight we had family over for our post-Thanksgiving holiday meal and photo session. We had tons of good food and great company. My experiment with making everything gluten-free seemed to work pretty well, if the amount of pie devoured was any indication. I also brined a turkey for the first time, and I don't think I will ever make a turkey any other way. It was fabulously juicy!
Today we also added to the family. We welcomed Stella, a fuzzy gray kitten belonging to the girls. They had a total of 7 cats in their house, and something had to give, so now we are pet owners again. The boys are ecstatic! Luckily the cat is really mellow, because I don't think the boys left her alone all day. Now we just have to make sure Riley isn't completely allergic. It's been awhile since we had animals in the house, and Riley was a little wheezy when we put him to bed. I don't know what he would do if we had to get rid of this cat!