Monday, July 20, 2009


Here are some photos from the boys graduation in June. Kindergarten here we come!
Connor won the scientist award, (he is always making things) and Riley won the future banker award, for saving up all of his crystals (awards for good behavior) for 2 months to get a prize of Galactic Putty.

The boys' first movie

So I got a new camera at work, the Canon 5D Mark II, which aside from being an awesome SLR, also takes HD video. It works a little differently than a video camera, so I though I would test it out. Trying to focus on two jumpy little boys turned out to be my downfall. They wanted to make a movie, so here they are, re-enacting the swordfighting scene from the Princess Bride. Riley gives it an unexpected twist at the end. Please note, Sorry to all the tech gurus out there, I did not shoot this in HD.