Sunday, April 25, 2010

School pics

Just a post with the boys' most recent school pics.

Science Fair

Science fair

I am pretty sure I never once did a science fair project growing up. Now apparently they have kindergarteners doing them! The boys' school, Winchell Elementary, did a science fair for the whole school. The boys had a good time doing the experiments, Connor's was baking soda and vinegar, and Riley tested things to see if they would "melt" in water - sugar, salt, and pepper. I had the boys write everything for their displays themselves, messy handwriting and all, because I thought it was important for them to do the work themselves. Either there are a bunch of parents in their class who do not feel the same way, or there are an amazing number of prodigies who can not only type and print on their own, but also cut neatly and even glue little decorative borders on their writing. All in all, the boys had fun, and they both got really good evaluations. Connor is really quick to point out that he got more "Excellents" than Riley. The competition continues!

Riley's supplies

Science Fair

Stirring in pepper


Science Fair

Science Fair

Science Fair

Science Fair