Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thanksgiving and stuff

We made the trip to Louisville for Thanksgiving again, it was Rachael's first time to the 'ville. The boys wrestled Uncle Eric, played LOTS of Wii at Grandpa Rob's, and Rachael convinced us to go to the mall on Black Friday. We also got to see our friend Walter and his fabulous girlfriend Becca, and my good friend, not only my good friend, but my FIRST Kentucky friend, dating back to good ol' 1991, Jennifer Bergant, I mean Brey. We had lunch with her hubby Darren and the smiliest baby in the whole world, Calvin. Unfortunately I neglected to get a picture of said baby, so you will just have to use your imagination. I am not sure what happened, but I generally neglected to take pictures of just about everything on the trip. What kind of photographer am I?

1 comment:

orthogirl said...

we loved seeing you guys too!